Best Conservative Colleges
by Mark-Elliot Finley, Exodus Contributor
Believe it or not, there are a lot of conservative colleges in the US. Many of these conservative colleges are private and exemplify the Judeo-Christian tradition through their mission statement and curriculum. However, you will notice we titled this blog “Best Conservative Colleges.” The word “best” is subjective and ultimately families need to make the decision which is best for them. However, we will provide you with some quick facts on three of the most well-known conservative colleges in the United States: Hillsdale College, Liberty University, and Brigham Young University. Becoming familiar with these colleges is a great starting point as you learn more about the conservative collegiate options in the US and which might be the best for your student!
Hillsdale College
Hillsdale College was founded in 1844 and is located in Hillsdale, Michigan. It is a private classical liberal arts institution rooted in nonsectarian Christian beliefs. It is a relatively smaller college, enrolling about 1,500 undergraduate students. Because of its smaller student population, the average class size is about 14 with the student-faculty ratio of 8:1. With such small class sizes, perspective students can rest assured they will get individualized instruction from their professors as they make their way through their collegiate career. Hillsdale also offers financial aid to students with the average package totaling about $21,900. About 98% of students receive financial aid when studying at Hillsdale. For more facts on Hillsdale, check out its college profile or visit Hillsdale’s official website.
Liberty University
Founded in 1971 and located in Lynchburg, Virginia, Liberty University’s mission statement is “Training Champions for Christ.” Compared with Hillsdale, this Christian university is quite large, with about 130,000 enrolled, including both in-person and online students. Liberty offers over 700 programs of study and has a student-faculty ratio of 17:1. Liberty University is also known for its great athletic program, offering 20 NCAA Division I sports, winning 15 Division I Conference All-Sport Awards and more than 180 NCAA Division I conference titles. For more facts about Liberty, see this site for quick Liberty facts or check out Liberty University’s official website.
Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University is located in Provo, Utah and was founded in 1875. The mission of BYU (founded, supported, and guided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) “is to assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life.” BYU serves about 34,700 students and offers 195 majors and 128 graduate programs. The tuition for BYU is relatively affordable, as members of the Church of the Jesus Christ and the Latter-day Saints pay about $3,100 per semester and other students paying about $6,300 per semester. However, BYU does offer scholarships to those who qualify based on merit. For more information on scholarships, see BYU’s scholarship page. If you would like more information on BYU, see its facts and figures site or BYU’s official website.
How Exodus Can Help You
Finding the right college can be difficult, considering the amount of options out there. While we provided a small representation of the conservative colleges available to students, you can use Niche’s website to find more conservative colleges. Exodus Institute can help your family and students, as we provide a fully accredited K-12 online program taught by certified Christian teachers. Our program helps students make the most out of their homeschool education, while teaching faith-based principles through our curriculum, ensuring your student will be college-ready when he or she graduates. For more information on what we can offer your family, visit https://www.thinkexodus.org/.
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